CodeSScientific Enterprise Solutions
CodeSScientific Enterprise Solutions are meant for companies and industries where CodeSScientific’s scientists and computer program developers work with them through the following OEM and R&D collaborations to develop their customized simulation solutions and software products in the areas of Optical Communication Systems, Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Optical Fiber Designs, Photonic Components and Photonic Devices.
1. OEM Collaborations
CodeSScientific collaborates with OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) for developing their customized simulation solutions and software products in the areas of Optical Communication Systems, Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Optical Fiber Designs, Photonic Components and Photonic Devices.
2. R&D Collaborative Services for Implementing CodeSScientific’s Scientific and Engineering Source Codes to the Users
Source Codes Users may be (1) Original software developer companies selling commercial softwares and (2) Government lab researchers and company researchers.
CodeSScientific also offers the R&D Collaborative Services to the companies and government labs interested in implementing the source codes bought from CodeSScientific into their products.
R&D Services are provided by the same researchers who have developed the given source codes.
R&D Services give the in-depth understanding and the capabilities of the current algorithms and the related source codes.
R&D Services accelerate innovation, product development and reduce time to market.
R&D Services are provided by our Researchers who are the PhDs in Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Photonic Components and Photonic Devices.
R&D Services Researchers work in close collaboration with the company and government lab researchers.
Contact Us:
CodeSScientific Enterprise Solutions or Call 1 613 325 7594