OCSim Modules
Modern Fiber Optic Communication Systems Simulations with Advanced Level Matlab Modules
Module 2a
Optical Fibers
LP Modes in an Optical Fiber
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Main Module
The LP modes of a step-index fiber are obtained by solving the eigenvalue equation Eq.(4) (see the manual). Eq. (4) is of the form f() = 0; the roots of this equation are found using the matlab function fminbnd().
Explore Further this Module:
In a step-index fiber, core index = 1.45, cladding index
= 1.442, core radius a = 9 microns, wavelength = 1.55 microns.
2a.1. Plot the field vs radius for all the modes.
2a.2. Plot V vs b curves for LP01, LP11 and LP03 modes. Using this curve, find the cutoff wavelength for the single-mode operation of a fiber with = 1.46 and Δ =0.005.
Selected Simulated Results Using this Module
Left Hand Side (LHS) and Right Hand Side (RHS) of Transcedental Eq. for l=0
Fiber Mode: LP01
Fiber Mode: LP02
Fiber Mode: LP03
Left Hand Side (LHS) and Right Hand Side (RHS) of Transcedental Eq. for l=1
Fiber Mode: LP11
Fiber Mode: LP12
Left Hand Side (LHS) and Right Hand Side (RHS) of Transcedental Eq. for l=2
Fiber Mode: LP21
Fiber Mode: LP22
OCSim Modules details can be seen by clicking the pages below:
OCSim Modules Overview | OCSim Modules (1-18) in the Package
Module (1a) | Module (1b) | Module (1c) | Module (2a) | Module (2b) | Module (2c) | Module (3a) | Module (3b) | Module (4a) | Module (4b) | Module (4c) | Module (4d) | Module (5) | Module (6a) | Module (6b) | Module (7) | Module (8a) | Module (8b) | Module (8c) | Module (9a) | Module (9b) | Module (10) | Module (11a) | Module (11b) | Module (12) | Module (13) | Module (14) | Module (15) | Module (16) | Module (17) | Module (18)
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