Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems

OCSim Modules

Modern Fiber Optic Communication Systems Simulations with Advanced Level Matlab Modules


Module 9a


Channel Multiplexing Techniques


Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems

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Main Module


Simulation of linear and nonlinear fiber optic direct detection WDM systems.

This Module calls the following Sub Modules and Components:

(1) tx_nrz_ook.m
Modulates the optical carrier by OOK data.

(2) power_meter.m
Calculates the average optical power in dBm units.

(3) eye_diagram.m
Plots the eye diagram.

(4) fiber_prop.m
Propagation in optical fiber (takes into account fiber dispersion and loss).

(5) amp.m
Multiplies the input signal by gain factor and adds noise (the amount of noise is controlled by n_{sp}).

(6) opt_rect_filt.m
Optical ideal band pass filter to demultiplex the cental channel.

(7) gauss.m
An electrical (low pass) second order Gaussian filter.

(8) computeq_mzm.m
Calculates Q-factors.

Explore Further this Module:

9a.1 Change the channel spacing from 30 GHz to 200 GHz. Observe the WDM spectrum. Does the performance degrade as the channel spacing decreases? Explain.

Note: To have a reliable estimate of Q-factor, the number of bits should be really large. The average Q-factor obtained by running the code several times is more reliable than that obtained by a single run.

9a.2 Change the number of channels, N_{{c}} from 1 to 10. Keep the channel spacing at 50 GHz. Observe the WDM spectrum. Does the performance change when N_{{c}} increases beyond 3? Explain. Ignore nonlinear effects by setting the nonlinear coefficients close to zero.

9a.3 Change the number of transmission fiber spans from 10 to 30. Keep N_{{c}} = 5 and channel spacing = 50 GHz. Plot the Q-factor vs transmission distance. Make sure that Q-factor is obtained by averaging over multiple runs and it is converging.

9a.4 Design and simulate following WDM direct detection fiber optic system links:

28 Gb/s/channel, 50 GHz channel spacing, 8 channel, 20 span WDM fiber optic system link
10 Gb/s/channel, 25 GHz channel spacing, 16 channel, 40 span WDM fiber optic system link
40 Gb/s/channel, 100 GHz channel spacing, 8 channel, 20 span WDM fiber optic system link
– – –
– – –
n Gb/s/channel, m GHz channel spacing, M channel, N span WDM fiber optic system link
Choose the desired values of nmM and N for simulations.

Simulate more:

Switch on to Nonlinearity to design and simulate nonlinear WDM fiber optic system links.



Selected Simulated Results Using this Module 




Schematic of a Fiber Optic WDM System


Simulation Setup




Time Diagram of the Central Channel @ Transmitter

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)




Eye Diagram of the Central Channel @ Transmitter

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)





Spectrum of the Central Channel @ Transmitter

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)





WDM Spectrum @ Transmitter

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)





Time Diagram of the Central Channel @ Receiver

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)





Eye Diagram of the Central Channel @ Receiver

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)





Receiver Current of the Central Channel

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)





Eye Diagram of the Receiver Current for the Central Channel

(Long Haul WDM Dispersion Managed Direct Detection Fiber Optic Communication Systems)




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OCSim Modules Overview | OCSim Modules (1-18) in the Package

Module (1a) | Module (1b) | Module (1c) | Module (2a) | Module (2b) | Module (2c) | Module (3a) | Module (3b) | Module (4a) | Module (4b) | Module (4c) | Module (4d) | Module (5) | Module (6a) | Module (6b) | Module (7) | Module (8a) | Module (8b) | Module (8c) | Module (9a) | Module (9b) | Module (10) | Module (11a) | Module (11b) | Module (12) | Module (13) | Module (14) | Module (15) Module (16) Module (17) Module (18)

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