Beam Propagation in Optical Waveguides: 3D Scalar Nonparaxial


BPM3D-S Module


Design and Simulate Optical Waveguides with 3D Scalar, Nonparaxial Beam Propagation Method


Module Overview


This module simulates the wave propagation in the 3 dimensional optical waveguides. The method is based on a split-step finite-difference procedure and is non-paraxial. The method does not depend on the ADI scheme and is completely analytic, thereby giving very good accuracy and speed as compared to the other prevalent methods. The PML boundary condition has also been implemented with only a marginal increase in computational effort.



Module Features

3 Dimensional

Finite Difference Split-Step Method
The method does not utilize the ADI scheme
Ease of PML boundary condition with only a marginal increase in computational effort

Completely analytical formulation without involving any numerical matrix inversion



Module Applications

Three Dimensional Wide Angled Optical Waveguides



Module Type

Software Module with Matlab (.m files)



Module Users

OEMs and Other Photonics Software Companies can Implement this Module into their Software and Hardware Products

Government lab researchers

company researchers

University Researchers




Mode: TE0 mode

Waveguide: Rectangular core waveguide

Cross-section: 5×5 µm
Refractive index of the core: 1.45
Refractive index of the cladding: 1.446
Wavelength: 1.55 µm
Waveguide tilted at various angles with respect to the general direction of propagation z  in the x – z plane only

Computational parameters: Sampling step size y = 0.8333 µm, x = y×cos(theta), z = 0.1 µm







Normalized Intensity Plot of the TE_{0} Mode after Propagating 40 µm through the Rectangular Core Waveguide Tilted at 30 degree with Respect to the z-axis. The Plot is for
the y =0 Plane. The Dashed Line is the Incident Field and the Starred and Bold Line Shows the Computed and Expected Field Respectively.




Variation of Error with Distance for Propagation of the TE_{0} Mode of a Rectangular Core Waveguide Tilted at 30 degree with z-axis.





Propagation of the TE_{0} Mode of a Rectangular Core Waveguide Tilted at 30 degree with Respect to the z-axis (Shown for the y =0 Plane).





Variation of the Error in Propagation with the Reference Refractive Index n_{ref} (n_{r} ) for Different Tilt Angles of the Waveguide. The Upper Most Curve is for 30 degree,
the Next is for 20 degree and the Lowest one is for 0 degree Tilt.




A Gaussian Beam Tilted at 30 degree with z-axis is Incident on a PML Layer. PML Thickness is 8 Points on Either Side and the Numerical Window is 41 Points.



Reference where this Module used for Simulations

Split Step Nonparaxial Finite Difference Method for 3D Scalar Wave Propagation, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Volume 39, Issue 10, August 2007.


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